Friday, March 6, 2009

Serve and Dance

One day I am going to take my wife dancing . She wants to learn how to do "ball room" dancing. The only problem is I can't dance. Really, I have no rhythm. The beat of the music gets lost somewhere between my brain and my legs. So either I am one (or two) steps behind or in an attempt to not be caught off guard I jump to soon. I really want to do this for her because it is something she wants and as a "good" husband I want to serve my wife. I am not always good at that either. I don't always lift her up. God has called me (and every person in a relations) to strive to make the other person the person that God desires for him/her. The only problem is that I can get needy and put myself first. I notice when I do get focused on myself that my life gets out of rhythm.
So two things I need to learn: dance and serve. What if at the end of our lives the person speaking over us said, "He served and he danced." Not a bad way to live or die.

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