Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What's In a Name

Do you know the meaning of your name? My mom got the idea for my name from a soap opera. I really don't know what to think about that. While I was studying the first chapter of Ruth I came across interesting discoveries when it comes to the names of the characters in the book. Elimilech means "My God is King." Naomi means "pleasant." Ruth means "friend." Orpah means "back of the neck." Mahlon means "sickness." Chilon means "spent." Boaz means
in him is strength." Now that you know the meaning of each name take an opportunity to read the book and see how each name has significance in understanding the story.
Maybe you don't like your name. Maybe your name has been the source of ridicule. Maybe your name has you associated with abuse, pain, or hurt. The Good News is that God knows your name and he wants to give you a new name. A name that stands for forgiveness and love.

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