Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Call of the Sea

"The call of God is like the call of the sea, no one hears it but the one who has the nature of the sea in him," says Oswald Chambers (My Utmost For His Highest). It seems we have a choice in life. We can simply be passengers on the vessel of life and be taken a drift by whatever current happens to be running the strongest. All my life I expected somebody else to tell me what to do with myself. I have attempted to live my life free of responsibility. I chose safety over the freedom of risk. The struggle I found in all this is that I was a poser living by a map given to me by other posers.
Our other option is that we can choose to be skippers of our own vessels and raise our sails and catch the wind of God's Spirit. Like the call of the sea, the voice of God is not heard by everyone. Those who hear it seem like fools, irrational, and careless persons to those who are deaf to the call. My life does not make sense to everyone and then again, maybe it shouldn't. However, in my search for life, love, and faith I know I must lift the sail and catch the winds of God's Spirit wherever they drive the boat. I choose to not live my life as a sailor longing for the sea and yet afraid (words from a poem by Edgar Lee Masters). A boat that stays in harbor never experiences the reason for its existence.

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